Sump Grates & Frames

Sump Grates & Frames

Sump Grates & Frames

Sump Grates & Frames

We supply sump grates and frames all over Brisbane, Queensland,
and Australia wide
Sump grates and frames are hot dipped galvanised. They are designed to sit
on top of an open hole (clear opening) and then cast into concrete on site.
We carry a standard range in stock, and can custom make different sizes.
We can manufacture drop in grates to replace existing grates, already with frames in the ground, once given the length, width, depth
and load classification of the grate.
We can custom make sump grates and frames for any hole size
(clear opening), to specified dimensions and load classification, so we can design a grate and frame to suit.
We can also custom make sump grates and frames in stainless steel (Grade 316 or 304).

Product Code Clear Opening (mm) Grate Size (mm) Grate Depth (mm) Frame Material
PP SG 300M 250 x 250 300 x 300 25 30 x 30 x 3
PP SG 350 M 300 x 300 350 x 350 25 30 x 30 x 5
PP SG 365 H 300 x 300 365 x 365 32 40 x 40 x 5
PP SG 500L 450 x 450 500 x 445 25 30 x 30 x 5
PP SG 525H 450 x 450 525 x 445 40 45 x 45 x 5
PP SH 650 L 600 x 600 650 x 595 25 30 x 30 x 5
PP SG 695 H 600 x 600 695 x 595 50 55 x 55 x 5
PP SG 845 M 750 x 750 845 x 745 50 55 x 55 x 5
PP SG 96 L 900 x 600 895 x 650 25 30 x 30 x 5
PP SG 96 H 900 x 600 895 x 695 50 55 x 55 x 5
PP SG 99 L 900 x 900 895 x 995 50 55 x 55 x 5
PP SG 99 H 900 x 900 895 x 980 75 85 x 75 x 6

Drop in Grates

We have a range of drop in grates to suit various applications.
Drop in grates can be custom made in any size,
once given the length, width and depth.
Some of the grates in the table below are stock items,
whereas others are made to order.
Drop in grates can be made to suit various class ratings (A,B,C,D,E,F,G).

Product Code Grate Size
Grate Depth
PP SGP 300 300 x 300 20
PP SGP 330 330 x 330 20
PP SGP 340 340 x 340 20
PP SGP 520 520 x 520 40
PP SGP 540 540 x 540 50
PP SGP 665 665 x 665 50
PP SGP 690 690 x 690 50
PP SGP 699 690 x 990 50
PP SGP 965 965 x 965 50